About Manfishers
What is 'grace' anyway? (page 3)
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In order to better understand grace, we need to understand the nature of both God and
human beings. Mankind (including womankind) was given by God the ability to choose
own destiny, so to speak. Unfortunately for us, we all make wrong choices from time to
time. In fact, we can't help it -- we are born with the ability and desire to do wrong.
Think about it -- who taught you to lie to your parents? Or to cheat at checkers when
your opponent turned their head? No one! These "bad things" we do are called sin --
no, sin doesn't just mean murder, theft, rape, and the like. It's ANYTHING that we do
that goes against God's teaching and His will for us. What's more, it's not just the thing
bad things we do, but the good things we don't do! That's right -- there are TWO kinds
of sins: those of commission (things we do) and those of omission (things we don't
that we should). That makes it a little easier to understand how easy it is to mess up,
doesn't it? And what if you only sinned a little...say, twice a day? Well, over the course
of a year that would add up to 730 sins...and by the ago of 50, you'd have banked up
over 35,000 sins "in your account."
Can you see now the problem we have? And we ALL have it -- the Bible says that
"ALL have sinned and fall short" of God's expectations for us. "So, what exactly are
God's expectations," you ask? Simple: perfection. No sin whatsoever. Uh-oh...no
we're in trouble, right? You might be thinking now that surely a loving God could
overlook "a few minor mistakes," right? Well, think about it this way...if I made you an
omelet with lots of cheese, bacon, sausage, peppers, onions, mushrooms, and only
one rotten egg, would it be acceptable to you? Of course not! Likewise, the Bible says
that if we keep all of God's commandments but offend in only one, we might as well be
guilty of all! God is the perfect judge -- though God loves us and wants to forgive us,
our sins must be paid for.
Whew...sounds hopeless, huh? Well, it would be if not for Jesus. How do you perceive
Jesus? Who was (is) He to you? A "good man?" A prophet? A teacher? Sure, He was
all of these things, but He was much more, too. The Bible says that, "In the beginning
<of eternity> was the Word <a reference to Jesus>, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God…and the Word became flesh…"
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