About Manfishers
Ashley's Testimony
Get your fishing license!
I was born in Norfolk, Virginia, and shortly after I
was born, my family and I moved to Richmond,
Virginia, where they continue to live today.
Because my father was (and still is) a minister,
the church has always been a very important part
of my life. I was baptized at a very early age, and
continued to go about living my life like any other
child: going to school, growing into adolescence,
and eventually graduating from high school and
experiencing college.
If you’re interested in learning more about how
Manfishers can help your church or ministry develop a
true discipling relationship with one of our partners in
the field, or perhaps you’re interested in volunteering
for an upcoming trip, please do not hesitate to
contact us. We would be happy to talk with you more
about your relationship with Christ and His calling on
your life to follow Him and be a fisher of men!
Content, unless otherwise indicated, is the copyright of Manfishers Ministries. For questions or problems with the site, please click here.
It was after I came home from school that my life seemed to fall apart. I met the man
of my dreams (Nick) while serving with him in the music program of my church, but
instead of the fairytale romance I had always dreamed of having, things were
difficult for us at first. And then when his work took him to Texas, I followed him and
we married, which only created additional hardships because now I was a thousand
miles away from the home and family I'd been close to all of my life. In the end, all I
could do was to get on my knees and ask God to take the situation into His hands,
as there was nothing more I could do.
It was about this time when I truly began to understand what "being a Christian"
really meant. It wasn't simply going to church, being baptized, or behaving in a
certain way, but it was really about a relationship with God.
With this realization to comfort me, I am not bothered so much by life's
circumstances, even when those circumstances are very personal and emotionally
challenging. I know that, because I am His and He is mine, nothing life throws at me
can separate me from His love. I simply trust that He knows what is best for me and
will eventually (on His timetable) work things out. It is in response to this incedible
truth in my life that I make it my mission to share what it is that I've learned about
having a relationship with God. That knowledge has made a real difference in my
everyday life, and He can do the same for you if you'll let Him.