Welcome to Manfishers Ministries!
"Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the
threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have
commanded you." - Matthew 28:19, The Message
Are you uncomfortable
explaining your faith to a
non-believer? If given the
opportunity, could you
lead someone to Christ?
Do you feel a burden to
share God's love with
others in your community
or around the world?
Music can be an incredible
expression of worship,
and it can be very
effective at drawing a
crowd in a public venue.
Find out about our current
calendar of events or how
you can schedule one at
your church!
When you say nothing, what
are you saying to those
around you? What if you
could share Christ, support a
wonderful ministry, and look
good doing it? Manfishers
has a solution that is just
right for you. Take a look...
Would you like to be
notified when we have
upcoming projects that
would benefit from your
support? Or just to hear
from us from time to time
to let you know how God
is working in and through
our ministry?
Manfishers exists for the purpose of furthering the reach and impact of
the Word of God. Through coordination with missionaries in the field,
organizing and supporting short-term mission projects (both foreign
and domestic), and bringing together individuals and groups whose
needs and gifts are complementary, we work to equip and enable
believers in doing their part to fulfill the Biblical “Great Commission.”
What others are saying...
"Nick and Ashley avail
themselves to the needs of
others, and in no small
ways." - Michelle, TX
"...a real grasp of church
needs both locally and
globally..." - Mark, UK
A little goes a long way...
Let's face it -- it's a pretty big world out
there, and without faithful partners who
support us prayerfully and financially,
there's only so much we can do on our
own. Would you consider becoming one of
our financial partners? With your help, we
can extend our reach, and as an extension
of such, the Gospel will be heard...
Ministering in our own neighborhood.
In partnership with our home church,
Manfishers' founders, Ashley & Nick
Sanders, have opened their own home
for a community ministry and Bible study.
Koinonia, named for the New Testament
Greek term for fellowship, meets every
Tuesday evening and is open to all for a
time of group study and discussion...
Have a comment of your own
to share? Click here!
Content, unless otherwise indicated, is the copyright of Manfishers Ministries. For questions or problems with the site, please click here.
"I cannot thank you enough
for your guidance. I am the
happiest I've ever been in
my life now." - Robert, CA